Saturday, April 9, 2011

WINE OF THE WEEKEND: 2009 Punta Crena Lumassina

The tiny Lurgurian village of Varigotti sits on the Mediterranean, just a few rows of houses and restaurants on a pristine beach, with its back against steep hills. Climb up into the hills and you will discover neatly terraced vineyards on the slopes and in hidden clearings further up on the peaks. The Ruffino family (no relation to the wine concern in Tuscany) has been tending these vineyards for over 500 years, hardly changing a thing as they pass their knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next.

The vineyards of Punta Crena (named for a large promontory jutting into the sea at the edge of the village) are all within 1200 meters of the water and enjoy sea breezes that help keep the grapes healthy and happy. The Ruffinos are proud to work almost exclusively with local varietals...Cruvin, MataĆ²ssu, Barbarossa and Lumassina. As a result, several of Punta Crena’s wines are one of a kind, and this Lumassina is no exception.

At Punta Crena the Ruffinos craft two wines from Lumassina...a frizzante and a still version, and both are delightful. We recently took delivery of a shipment of the still wine, and it's destined to become a favorite for Spring and Summertime. Relatively low in alcohol (under 12%) and high in acidity (6.5 g/l), this wine exhibits an amazing crispness that's an ideal foil for all manner of warm weather fare. Great notes of citrus and minerality serve to heighten the refreshing qualities of this wine, which seems to have been crafted in a manner that subtly demands another taste.

You owe it to yourself to sample this wine. Like the other Punta Crena wines we've brought to Minnesota market, the Lumassina is a truly unique and engaging bottle of vino..and we've no doubt it will be the finest Lumassina you've ever tasted.

Item # 52644

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