Friday, May 7, 2010

Running With the White Dog.

While it's not a title I embrace, I have been called a visionary*. I was promoting Rhone wines long before they were cool, proclaiming that Paso Robles was world class before everyone jumped on that bandwagon, and generally been ahead of the least wine and spirits-wise.

From the moment I arrived to Minnesota a year ago (my gawd, has it been a year already?), I've told any and all that would listen that our future lay in American whiskeys. I've listened to the rebukes, the naysayers and those 'seasoned industry veterans' who smile and patronizingly tell me that Minnesota is Canadian whiskey country and always will be. Those people have a title of their own..."dinosaurs".

While I've typically imbibed oak-aged whiskey, unaged whiskey has its place. Known in the trade as "white dog", it's more commonly known as 'moonshine'. And 'shine has grown both quality and stature. As if to serve as confirmation of this fact, the New York Times has published an article about the growing interest in - and consumption of - white dog. You can read it by clicking here.

We just happen to be the MN distributor for Tuthilltown Spirits, and just so happen to have some of their Hudson Corn Whiskey in stock. Item #07444.
* Don't blame me...blame Parker, Laube, et al.

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