Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Everything's Coming Up"...well, you get it.

Today's the day of our inaugural "Pink Thang" tasting. That's right, Quality's amazing portfolios of dry rosés from around the world will be yours to sample - and to purchase at equally-amazing prices - today only. Dana's bringing along her Lil' Smokey to grill out some brats (man, do I love living in Minnesota!), and they'll be a few other Mediterranean-inspired nibbles to pair with these food-friendly wines.

We really hope to see you there...feel free to dress in festive pink attire, or as Ethel Merman.

2pm until 5pm
The Patio at Clubhouse Jager
923 Washington Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55401-1030
(612) 332-2686

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