Friday, June 18, 2010

It WAS a Pink Thang.

This Wednesday proved a perfect day for drinking rosé wines. We gathered on the Clubhouse Jager patio to pop the corks and unscrew the caps on 20 pink wines from around the world. Dana brought along her "Lil' Smokey" and grilled up some brats, and the folks at Jager put out a nice spread of Mediterranean-themed nibbles.

Many thanks to those of you who braved the sun and sultry temps to sample through the rosés. The variety of the wines offered really proved the versatility of these wines. I'm glad to find that Minnesotans have really embraced these pink-hued quaffers. While ideal for summertime consumption, rosés truly deserve to be a year-round 'go to' wine. Make sure you've always got a bottle or two in your refrigerator.

We're currently offering all of the wines featured at our "Pink Thang" tasting at incredible pricing. We urge you to contact your QWS representative for a deal sheet. Many of these wines were brought in on direct import, so what we have in stock is all we'll have in stock. Get them now while they're, cool.

Thanks again to all of you who attended the tasting. We're already making plans for next year's "Pink Thang" event. It's never too early to start thinking - or drinking - rosés!

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